xowiki::utility proc change_page_order (public)

 xowiki::utility[i] change_page_order -from from  -to to  [ -clean clean ] \
    -folder_id folder_id  -package_id package_id  \
    [ -publish_status publish_status ]

Defined in packages/xowiki/tcl/xowiki-utility-procs.tcl

Update page_order attributes for pages by renumbering and filling gaps.

list of page_orders before a move/insert operation
list of page_orders after a move/insert operation
list of page_orders for insert operations, to update the hierarchy from where items were moved to the new hierarchy.
(defaults to "ready|live|expired") (optional)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 ad_log ad_log (public) xowiki::utility proc change_page_order xowiki::utility proc change_page_order xowiki::utility proc change_page_order->ad_log

No testcase defined.
Source code:

#set from {1.2 1.3 1.4}; set to {1.3 1.4 1.2}; set clean {...}
#set from {1.2 1.3 1.4}; set to {1.3 1.4 2.1 1.2}; set clean {2.1}
#set from {1 2}; set to {1 1.2 2}; set clean {1.2 1.3 1.4}

if {$from eq ""
    || $to eq ""
    || [llength $to]-[llength $from] > 1
    || [llength $to]-[llength $from] < 0
  } {
  ad_log warning "unreasonable request to change page_order from='$from', to='$to'"

#ns_log notice "--cpo from=$from, to=$to, clean=$clean"
set gap_renames [list]
# We distinguish two cases:
# - pure reordering: length(to) == length(from)
# - insert from another section: length(to) == length(from)+1
if {[llength $to] == [llength $from]} {
  #ns_log notice "--cpo reorder"
} elseif {[llength $clean] > 1} {
  #ns_log notice "--cpo insert"
  # We have to fill the gap. First, find the newly inserted
  # element in $to.
  foreach e $to {
    if {$e ni $from} {
      set inserted $e
  if {![info exists inserted]} {
    error "invalid 'to' list (no inserted element detected)"
  # Compute the remaining list.
  set remaining [list]
  foreach e $clean {
    if {$e ne $inserted} {
      lappend remaining $e
  # Compute rename commands for it.
  set gap_renames [::xowiki::utility page_order_renames -parent_id $folder_id  -publish_status $publish_status  -start [lindex $clean 0] -from $remaining -to $remaining]
  foreach {page_id item_id name old_page_order new_page_order} $gap_renames {
    ns_log notice "--cpo gap $page_id (name) rename $old_page_order to $new_page_order"
# Compute the rename commands for the drop target.
set drop_renames [::xowiki::utility page_order_renames -parent_id $folder_id  -publish_status $publish_status  -start [lindex $from 0] -from $from -to $to]
#ns_log notice "--cpo drops l=[llength $drop_renames]"
foreach {page_id item_id name old_page_order new_page_order} $drop_renames {
  #ns_log notice "--cpo drop $page_id ($name) rename $old_page_order to $new_page_order"

# Perform the actual renames.
set temp_obj [::xowiki::Page new -name dummy -volatile]
set slot [$temp_obj find_slot page_order]
::xo::dc transaction {
  foreach {page_id item_id name old_page_order new_page_order} [concat $drop_renames $gap_renames] {
    #ns_log notice "--cpo UPDATE $page_id new_page_order $new_page_order"
    $temp_obj item_id $item_id
    $temp_obj update_attribute_from_slot -revision_id $page_id $slot $new_page_order
    ::xo::xotcl_object_cache flush $item_id
    ::xo::xotcl_object_cache flush $page_id
# Flush the page fragment caches (page fragments based on
# page_order might be sufficient).
::$package_id flush_page_fragment_cache -scope agg
XQL Not present:
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